During May and June, 2022, Amplify Writers conducted a survey in order to better understand the types of career support writers in our community need, the barriers to access they’ve experienced, and their preferred formats for receiving support.
We asked survey respondents about their ability to access programs that support their writing career development and the barriers to access they’ve experienced.

Although I’ve done many public readings of my work, and I’ve done storytelling & and acting before live audiences—and these things don’t frighten me at all—the matter of understanding the publishing industry and joining professional networks frightens me. I don’t understand why I’m afraid, and I don’t know what to do about this fear that stops me in my tracks. (And…I didn’t know I felt this way until I started answering these questions.)
Survey respondents also shared their preferences for accessing programs and the types of groups they’d like to engage with.

In the absence of available resources during my 25-year career, I have to make it up from scratch. By teaching others and making opportunities available for others, I have learned a lot.
Finally, survey respondents shared their career goals and identified topics around which they would like to receive support.